Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical Hospital

Name of the Principal Dr. S G Prasanna Aithal
Date of Birth 07-05-1976
Specilization PANCHAKARMA
Teacher’s Code AYPK00026
Date of Joining 20.02.2021
Contact Details 9632171955, 9886414555
Email [email protected]
Qualification BAMS, MD (Ayu), Ph.D
B.A.M.S (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery) S.D.M. College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan — Mysore University 2000. Registration Number of Karnataka Ayurvedic & Unani practitioners Board – 13611
M.D (Master’s degree of Panchakarma) S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and hospital, Hassan — Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. 2004
Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy in Ayurveda – Panchakarma) National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur — Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.


Given the opportunity to practice as an Ayurvedic teacher and doctor in India, Russia, England France and Ukraine has helped me to motivate my ambition and has been an exceptional credit to my medical profession. During my academic and work experience, it has become apparent to me that medicine needs an empathetic, caring, dedicated and compassionate approach, alongside the ability to work and communicate effectively under pressure as well as part of a multidisciplinary team. Both my education and experience have given me this.

Experience of almost 22 years of Ayurvedic practice and teaching as a Professor and Head in the Post Graduate department of Panchakarma at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Moodbidri as well as Dean and Chief Medical Officer of Ayurveda at Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mangaluru after MD (Ayurveda – Panchakarma) from Prestigious S.D.M. Ayurveda College and Hospital, Hassan affiliated under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, I contributed my knowledge of Ayurveda to thousands of Ayurvedic students and guided more than 15 post graduate research works.

Born into a traditional family practicing Vedic Astrology in South India, I devoted my life to Ayurveda science and completed my Ph.D. degree in Panchakarma from National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur affiliated under Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

I have contributed many projects throughout my period as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Working on Projects in United Kingdom and Russia has built up my self confidence and allowed me to gain an understanding on Ayurveda in foreign market. I seek to bring this participation to newer projects to globalize Ayurveda in an authentic and traditional way.

‘Learn, live & Love Ayurveda’ ‘Where the science of life meets the gift of education’ With this motive, I developed an Ayurvedic Panchakarma Clinic called MAYUVEDA and a School of Philosophy and Ayurveda called GURUKULA – a unique educational experience blending ancient traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with modern system of education in March 2008 at 467 Great Horton Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 3DL, England.

Working in Russia has made me appreciate and value my own culture but see the beauty of other lifestyle and traditions. In London, the ambition and dedication of students, has given me confidence and belief of Ayurveda demand in Europe.

I was invited as a Resource person of Ayurveda for the International Congress on Ayurveda and Yoga at St. Bogomolets Academy, 4, Kyiv, 01024 Ukraine and awarded a Diploma for a significant personal contribution, high professionalism and years of diligent work in development and popularization of Ayurveda and yoga for the nation’s health care. I was awarded with the Membership Certificate from NGO – Ukrainian Association Ayurveda – Yoga and agree with the objectives of the association to unite citizens of Ukraine of different nationalities and confessions on the basis of common interests in order to improve and preserve the health of the nation. Association aims to support the Ayurvedic concept of health, its adaptation to living conditions in Ukraine, the development and popularization of Ayurveda and Yoga in Ukraine. My all efforts will be made to create a healthy lifestyle in accordance with national traditions, for the development of benevolent respect for human life, ways of development of each person and to create conditions for the growth of healthy children, safety of life and healthy longevity, to defend the freedom of choice of each person to select one or other methods of treatment. With all these professional experience of 20 years, I believe that I have the qualities to be an authentic Ayurvedic Practitioner. My dedication, motivation and commitment have proved this over the years. I strive to become a reliable doctor and an outstanding professor with the skill of administration, globalizing Ayurveda.

Being a consultant Ayurveda physician in Benaka Ayur Care center in my native place Ujire, I have ample of opportunities to serve the rural folk by treating them for their various ailments almost free of cost. My dedication to promote Ayurveda has resulted in setting up a Trust in the year 2007. Dr Aithal’s Ayurveda Seva Trust (R) is a charitable trust founded with an intention to create awareness among the general public, about positive health and to obtain the same through the Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM) such as Ayurveda, Local Health Tradition (LHT), Yoga, Naturopathy, Medical Astrology etc. by preserving, promoting and practicing the same and also to conduct Scientific Research over the above in India and abroad


20-02-2021 – Till Date

Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, # 1-57/3, Prafulla Enclave, Halady Road, Koteshwara, Kundapura

Principal and Medical Superintendent

18/10/2019 – 17-02-2021

Institute of Ayush Medical Sciences (IAMS), Vimalarjun Nagar (Bhagoo Kheda), Mohanlalganj, Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh State, India

Professor and Head of the Department of Panchakarma.

Teaching Panchakarma subject for Bachelor degree students of Ayurveda.

23/09/2015 – 15-10-2019

Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, R.S. No. 28/29/32, Naringana Village, Bantval Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State, India – 575018

Dean of Ayurveda and Chief Medical Officer.

Being a Dean of Ayurveda in Yenepoya University successfully established a New Ayurveda College attached with a 100-bedded Ayurveda Hospital at Naringana, Deralakatte post, Mangaluru which is affiliated to Central Council of Indian Medicine under Ayush Ministry, Government of India, New Delhi.

Being a Chief Medical Officer at Yenepoya Ayurveda Health Center, Kankanady – Mangaluru treated thousands of patients as a specialist of Panchakarma – Penta – Bio purification treating modality of Ayurveda.

25/11/2004 – 22/09/2015

Alva’s Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Moodbidri, Karnataka State, India

Professor and Head of the Department of Post Graduation studies in Panchakarma.

Medical superintendent of Anandamaya Health Resort, Mijar, Moodbidri.

Teaching Panchakarma, Manasa Roga and Charaka Samhita subjects for Bachelor and Postgraduate degrees of Ayurveda.

Being a senior consultant at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College and Anandamaya health resort as a specialist of Panchakarma for treating the patients.

02/01/08 – ongoing

Benaka Hospital, Ujire. D.K. Karnataka State, India

Ayurvedic consultant for a private clinic in Ujire. I have developed an Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy Wing called Benaka Ayur Care in this Hospital.

Working for a private hospital in a multidisciplinary team alongside doctors, nurses, social workers, education professionals, health visitors, school health nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists gives a good experience.

1/05/06 – 1/12/2010

Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates Ltd. Thodupuzha, Kerala State, India

Marketing Consultant. Nagarjuna; being one of the most reputable and popular pharmaceutical companies in India, my duty is to introduce and provide ethical and safety documents for the use of medicinal drugs in Russia, Canada, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Mauritius.

A challenging yet comprehensive task of Research in diverse areas, such as of legal and trading aspects as well as pharmacopeia.

7/05/06 – 16/08/06

AMRITA.Ltd. Ayurvedic Preparations and Equipments Company with Ayurveda Health Centre Moscow – Russia

Chief of Panchakarma Training Programs and Consultant of Ayurveda and Vedic Technologies. Amrita. Ltd is one of the primary centers for Ayurveda in Russia. My duty was to develop this company with my expertise knowledge in Ayurveda.

Being the Chief consultant, I was responsible for overall development and implementation of the projects of the company and this was done as a Chief Advisor to the company.

Seminars, presentations and proposals were done in promotion of the centre.

My tasks also included giving consultations, lectures, and treating patients by performing Panchakarma procedures at different allocated centers.

Legal documents and research for medicinal allowance and registration in Russia were created and proposed to the Russian Health Sector in promotion of Ayurvedic medicine.

A Successful attempt was made as 20 various products were accepted for registration. Being a Panchakarma teacher and consultant to a Svetlana Ayurvedic Retreat Center, my duties included teaching theoretical, practical and clinical aspects of Panchakarma to six students. I was bound to promote health awareness with special reference to Vedic Culture, Hindu philosophy, and Religion.

10/2/07 – 13/7/07

MAYUR Ayurvedic University of Europe 81 Wimpole Street, London, UK

Professor of Panchakarma Therapies & Clinical Methods. MAYUR is a reputable and established University in England.  My duties included teaching and developing modules to undergraduate students.

Both my clinical and academic expertise were needed in the fields of allopathic Medicine and Ayurveda.

My contribution was also appreciated in the areas of clinical research and academic journal writing.

01/09/2000 – 10/09/01

Bonanthaya Maternity Hospital, Puttur, Karnataka State, India.

Residential Medical officer at a popular maternity hospital. As one of the physicians I have managed many diseases and deliveries successfully. During this period, more than 150 deliveries were managed single-handedly.

07/09/2000 – 19/09/01

K.V.G Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Sullia, Karnataka State, India.

Lecturer and Physician of Ayurveda to undergraduate Bachelor students. Subjects taught were Agada Tantra, Anatomy and Prasuti Tantra for undergraduate students. Ayurvedic Consultant in outpatient department of the Institution.

1/04/2008 – 1/04/2014

MAYUVEDA – Ayurvedic health clinic GURUKULA – A School of Ayurveda & Philosophy – 467 Great Horton Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 3DL, England.

Ayurvedic Practitioner and Professor. ‘Learn, live & Love Ayurveda’ ‘Where the science of life meets the gift of education’ With this motive, I developed an Ayurvedic Panchakarma Clinic called MAYUVEDA and a School of Philosophy and Ayurveda called GURUKULA – a unique educational experience blending ancient traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with modern system of education.

20/11/2019 – 20/12/2019

Ukrainian Association of Ayurveda and Yoga – KYIV, UKRAINE

Ayurvedic Practitioner and Resource person. As a resource person of Ayurveda for the International Congress on Ayurveda and Yoga at St. Bogomolets Academy, 4, Kyiv, 01024 Ukraine, presented 2 Scientific papers on clinical practice of Ayurveda.

Being a member of Ukrainian Association Ayurveda – Yoga, conducted a short-term course on Ayurveda Basic Principles with Practical Panchakarma therapy with reference to external treatment procedures from 29/11/2019 to 13/12/2019 to Ayurveda interested students of Ukraine.


  • M.D Research Thesis – A Role of Rookshana as Purvakarma for Vamana in the management of Sthula Madumehi (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus).
  • Ph.D Research Thesis – A Clinical evaluation of Rookshana Purvaka – Vamana, Virechana and Vamana Virechana in the management of Sthula Madhumehi w.s.r. to Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Academic Achievement – Author of a text book called PANCHAKARMA – A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EXTERNAL TREATMENT PROCEDURES.


  • A clinical study on Takra Dhara in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy with special reference to Pittavrita Vata & Automatic Dhara machine – Presented Scientific Paper – Oral in International Congress on Ayurvedic Concepts and Treatment of neurological Disorders organized by S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India during 10-11-12/01/2002.

  • Participated as a delegate in the World Ayurveda Congress 2002 held in Kochi, Kerala, India during 1-4/11/2002 organized by Swadeshi Science Movement, Kerala.

  • Role of Virechana (Medicated Purgation) in Tamaka Shwasa with special reference to Allergic Asthma – Presented Research Paper in National Symposium on Ayurvedic Approach to Allergic Disorders and 48 th Foundation day organized by Institute of post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, India during 20-21/07/2003.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the workshop on the topic of Ayurveda – Manasika organized by Vaijnanik tatha Takneeki Shabdavali Ayog, Manava Samsadhana Vikas Mantralaya, Ramakrishnapuram, New Delhi – 110066 organized by V.P.S.V. Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala, India during 27/01/2005 to 29/01/2005.

  • Participated as a delegate in the Workshop on Dravyaguna Vijnana organized by Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India during 29- 30/07/2005.

  • Panchakarma in Kaumarabhritya – a Scientific paper presented in Kaumara – 2006 an National Seminar on Kaumarabhritya organized by S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, India during 19-20-21/01/2006

  • Resource Person as a specialist of Panchakarma – Penta Bio Purification treatment modality of Ayurveda short term courses organized by AMRITA Ltd, Ayurvedic Preparations and Equipments Company with Ayurveda Health Center, Moscow, Russia at Svetlana Retreat Center, Moscow, Russia during 17/05/2006 to 16/06/2006.

  • Guest Speaker in the FERBERRY – 06 an International Conference on Career opportunities for Ayurvedic Professionals organized by Atrimed Pharmaceutical Company, Bangalore, Karnataka, India during 14/08/2006.

  • Holistic approach in Manasa Roga – International Scientific paper presented as a Resource person of Ayurveda to the doctors of British Ayurvedic Medical Council and British Association of Accredited Ayurvedic Practioners at 81 Wimpole Street, London W1G 9RF UK on 25/06/2007.
  • Participated as a Resource person in the workshop on the topic of difficult terminologies of Ayurveda regarding Panchakarma treatment modality organized by Vaijnanik tatha Takneeki Shabdavali Ayog, Manava Samsadhana Vikas Mantralaya, Ramakrishnapuram, New Delhi – 110066 organized by S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, India during 23/10/2007 to 25/10/2007.

  • Participated as a delegate in National Ayurveda Congress organized by Swadeshi Vijnana Andolana, Swadeshi Sadana, Guru Narayana Vidya Vihar, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560024 conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India during 04-06/11/2007.

  • Participated as a Resource person in CME (Continued Medical Education) Programme on Basthi Chikitsa conducted at S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, India on 12/07/2008.

  • Participated as a delegate in Alva’s Sanjeevini – 2010, a National level workshop on standardization of herbal substances conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India during 06-07/01/2010.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Ayush Group ‘D’ staff under NRHM organized by NRHM Ayush and Directorate of Ayush, Governament of Karnataka conducted at Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore 560040 from 21/02/2010 to 25/02/2010.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Ayush Doctors under NRHM organized by NRHM Ayush and Directorate of Ayush, Government of Karnataka conducted at Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore 560040 from 22/02/2012 to 07/03/2012.

  • Participated as a delegate in Vriddhi – a National level workshop and CME Programme in Shalya Tantra conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India on 24/03/2010.

  • Participated as a delegate in Alva’s Samvahini – 2010 a National level workshop and seminar on Physio – Anatomical and Applied aspects of Shukravaha Srotas conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India on 06/08/2010.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Ayush Doctors under NRHM organized by NRHM Ayush and Directorate of Ayush, Government of Karnataka conducted at Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore 560040 from 05/01/2013 to 19/01/2013.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Ayush Doctors under NRHM organized by NRHM Ayush and Directorate of Ayush, Government of Karnataka conducted at S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, India during 28/01/2013 to 11/02/2013.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Government Ayush Doctors organized by Department of Ayush, Government of Karnataka conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India on 06/03/2013.

  • Participated as a Resource person in the Training Programme for Government Ayush Doctors organized by Department of Ayush, Government of Karnataka conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227, Karnataka, India on16/11/2013.

  • Participated as a delegate in Siddhantha Vaibhava – a national Ayurveda Conference 2014 conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India on 30/05/2014 to 31/05/2014.

  • Participated as a delegate in Ayush Utsava 2014 Conference conducted at Nehru Maidan, Mangalore, Karnataka, India on 22/11/2014 to 23/11/2014.

  • Presented a paper on SNEHANA as a Resource Person in the Panchakarma CME organized by Post Graduate Department of Panchakarma between 26/10/2015 to 31/10/2015 at Amrita School of Ayurveda Clappana P.O. KOLLAM – 690525, KERALA.

  • Organising Secretary of Specialty Clinics of Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Unani in AYUSH HABBA – 2015 on 19/12/2015 to 20/12/2015 at Dr.Shivarama Karantha Pilikula Nisargadhama, Pilikula, Mangaluru.

  • Participated as a Scientific Resource person in the CME (Continued Medical Education) Programme for Government Ayush Doctors sponsored by Ministry of Ayush, Government of India and coordinated by Rashtriya Ayurved Vidyapeeth, New Delhi conducted at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227 Karnataka, India on 10/01/2017.

  • Ayurveda’s Scientific basis for prevention and treatment of the nervous system as well as Scientific base of Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of Diabetes and Obesity – 2 International Scientific paper presented as a Resource person of Ayurveda for the International Congress on Ayurveda and Yoga at St. Bogomolets Academy, 4, Kyiv, 01024 Ukraine on 23-24/11/2019.

  • A clinical study of Udvartana (Powder Massage) on Sthaulya (Obesity).

  • A Cardio Vascular System in Ayurveda A Critical Analysis.

  • An applicability of Sneha Pana (Internal Oleation).

  • An applicability of Vamana (Medicated Emesis).

  • An applicability of Virechana (Medicated Purgation).

  • A critical analysis of Avarana.

  • Globalization of Ayurveda.

  • Applicability of Shadvidha Upakrama in Clinical Practice.


  • Member of Karnataka Ayurvedic & Unani practitioners Board, Bangalore, INDIA.

  • Member of British Ayurvedic Accredited Association (BAAP) LONDON.

  • President of Dr. Aithal’s Ayurveda Seva Trust (R) Ujire, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State, India – Public Charitable Trust aiding in funding and preserving, promoting and practicing Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy and Medical Astrology in India and abroad.

  • Awarded as Best Global Teacher (Panchakarma) Award 2007 by Prof. Gurdip Singh, Chancellor of International –Academy of Ayurveda Physicians 5HB, Gandhinagara, Jamnagar – 361002.

  • Faculty member of Indian System of Medicine including Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy and Yoga of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore from February 2011 to March 2014.

  • Member of L.I.C committee of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore in 2015.

  • Dean of Ayurveda at Yenepoya University, University Road, Deralakatte, Mangalore – 575018.

  • Membership Certificate from NGO – Ukrainian Association Ayurveda – Yoga


A diligent enthusiastic person with a positive attitude; high will power, confidence, and belief in capabilities and a true quality of maintaining a very good, long-standing relationship with patients and professional ability in teaching of Ayurveda are my strengths.