During the visit students were taken to Manipal Museum of Anatomy and Pathology (MAPS), KMC, Manipal. The purpose of the visit was to give practical exposure to normal and pathological conditions of human body. The students observed the anatomy section of the museum which houses well-preserved specimens of all parts of a human body with well framed descriptions of various systems of the human body for a better understanding. The students also observed the section on comparative anatomy that comprises of the skeletons of various other animals, and carefully crafted models. The students found the pathology museum of particular interest since it displays diseased body parts and organs. The students also found the section on life-style related diseases, and their impact on the human body interesting. Another section which caught the attention of the students was the teratology section where specimens of various developmental anomalies in developing foetus such as spina bifida, anencephaly, etc were preserved. The section pertaining to cardiovascular system, digestive system and nervous system provided a broad-spectrum on the components of the body system and the variation it undergoes in the pathological conditions.