Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical Hospital

75 th Independence Day

The 75th Independence Day was celebrated in a patriotic spirit by the first-ever batch of Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College “Adhweetiya” along with the faculty and staff of the hospital. Celebrations garnered a spirit of enthusiasm on the students as well as the onlookers gathered at the event . Flag hoisting was done by Mr Uday Kumar Shetty , manging director of UVA meridian , the event was presided by the Principal Mr S G Prasanna Aithal , Trustees of Amruteshwari trust Dr Muralikrishna bhat , Mr Mohan bhat , Administrative officer Mr Abhinandan Shetty were also present at the event. Flag hoisting was followed by a parade , a vibrant cultural programme.

In the inaugural address the Principal briefed about the struggles of our ancestors in gaining us independence today and inspired each of us to strive for a better nation, making future days happier with our service for the nation. Inaugural function was followed by cultural events which showcased the various talents of the students. The event ended with a happy note of cheer and joy from the enthusiastic students.