The subject Roganidana and Vikritivijnana lays the foundation for all the clinical subjects in Ayurveda. It deals with the basic pathology and pathogenesis of disease and diagnostic techniques in both Ayurvedic and modern perspectives.
Subject focus on –
Students are trained in case taking, clinical examination of patients, case presentations and in developing skill of diagnosis.
Modern investigation methodologies like pathology, biochemistry, radiology are also taught.
Roganidana department is associated with OPD and IPD for providing adequate clinical exposure to undergraduate students.
Department provides theoretical, practical and clinical training regarding the subject as per CCIM curriculum.
Kundapur Rural Ayurveda medical College and Hospital organized Re orientation and training program for Laboratory Technicians for in house staff. The department of Roganidana and Vikruthi Vijnana conducted series of Lectures and training for Laboratory Technicians. The Medical Superintendent Dr Savita K Bhat and Principal Dr Prasanna Aithal honoured the certificates to participants and Resource persons.