Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical Hospital

Shareera kriya deals with the physiological study of the human body. Ayurveda explains a variety of parameters to assess the normal functioning of the human body. Dosha-Dhatu-Mala Siddhanta forms the cornerstone of Kriyasareera. Our bodies are made up of tridosas that is vata-pitta-kapha which chronologically keep moving along with the span of day, night, age in varying degrees maintaining the normal homeostasis of the body. Dhatus form the main structural elements of our human body. Mala of the body, in general, summarises all the byproducts of metabolism in our body. 

Kriyasareera is a fundamental subject in Ayurveda which deals with the detailed study of the human body and its functioning in relation to physiological norms. One gets to study the normal physiology of the body along with its variations.  

Core concepts of Ayurveda like panchamahabhuta siddhanta, guna siddhanta, prakriti, agni, koshta etc are also elaborately dealt with. Our bodies are nothing but an amalagamation of the five elements according to Indian philosophy. Each and every individual possess a unique prakriti which is innate to their nature. In accordance to it people show an array of reactions to the environment and are prone to a variety of illnesses. Comprehension of the prakrithi leads to a better understanding of the vikrithi in the body. Through mastery of kriya shareera a holistic fundamental framework for proper understanding of Ayurveda is established.

To equip the students with maximum subject knowledge, hands-on training is been given in understanding and performing clinical examinations like monitoring pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature, etc, and other systemic examinations. Students are also taught hematological and urine examinations as per the syllabus in the physiology laboratory. 

Kriyashareera Department of this institution is well equipped with models, charts, and a laboratory with all required facilities for better interpretation of the subject. Dept. Library with Modern and Ayurveda books is available for quick reference. The main objective is to provide excellent subject knowledge from both Ayurvedic and modern viewpoints with an aim to provide adequate practical training to undergraduate students. The department houses a number of models and accessories to better know every intricate detail of the physiology of the human system helping to carve out better physicians of tomorrow.