Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical Hospital

  • The branch deals with study of medicinal plants and herbs mentioned in ayurveda, its properties and uses. 
  • The rasa guna virya vipaka prabhava are explained here. References of numerous plants are taken from various nighantus.
  • Botanical study of the plants , its identification and knowing its names in sanskrit and other regional languages is understood here. 
  • The classical texts of Ayurveda have mentioned these medicinal plants under different ganas. These ganas bear heavy significance in treatment. 
  • In a nut shell Dravyaguna summarises all medicinal plants and its unique properties in extensive detail.

World Enviorment Day

On Account of World environment day on 6th June 2022 from 9.30 am onwards Kundapur Rural Ayurveda medical College and Hospital organized “Plastic clear campus” Program. With active Participation of all students and Staff of institution, the Department of Dravya Guna Vijnana planted Shiva panchayathana vana and Navagraha vana tree plants in the college Botanical garden.

Vana plantation by Staff and Students

“Plastic Clear Campus” Program: Students and Staff collecting thrash.

Dravyaguna Garden Visit

The first batch of Kundapura Rural Ayurveda College “Adwitiya” was taken for a Dravyaguna garden visit on 29th of April 2022. The students came to know about a variety of plants and their uses through the accompanying staff and RMOs. They savored the greenery around Kundapuraand this unique nature walk lifted their spirits to a great extent.


World Earth Day

Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical college and Hospital’s Dravyaguna Department in conjugation with Lions club Amritadhara , Kundapura have come up with World earth Day celebration on 22-4-2022 on the theme Invest in your Planet. The program was organized in the Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College campus. The Chief guest of the ceremony was Mrs. Saraswathi Puthran, presided by Dr. S.G.Prasanna Aithal , he spoke about the significance of the Earth and our duties of protecting the planet was stressed upon. Vice principal Dr Hariprasad Shetty spoke about various Ayurvedic plants and he distributed Ramphal , Ashoka plants among the gatherers. In the event Medical Superintendent of the Hospital Dr. Savita K Bhat, Deputy Medical superintendent of the Hospital Dr. Vanishree Aithal was also present. The master of the ceremony was Dr. Parikishit Navda, Dr. Veenakumari welcomed the gathering, Dr. Raghavendra rendered the vote of thanks.

The team of Doctors of Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College and the Lions Amritadhara members were present at the event. The programme aims at creating awareness among the people about Conservation and restoration of Earth’s Natural resources. As Ayurveda emphasizes on using natural resources as remedy; medicinal plants like Ramphala and Ashoka were distributed describing the properties of enhancement of female reproductive health and anti- cancerous property of the drugs respectively. The event was well organized and was conducted successfully. 

Aati Kashaya disrtibution on Aati Amavasya july 28th 2022


Drinking Aati Kashaya on Aati Amavasya is to ward off diseases and its recurrenceuptill the next Aatiamavasya for the period of a year. The Aati Kashaya is said to have enormous health benefit thus this traditional practice has prevailed to this day in the Coastal belt of Karnataka. At Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital the Department of Dravyaguna, Department of Rasashastra and Department ofSamhithaAndSiddhanta have jointly prepared and distributed Saptaparna Kashaya commonly called as Palemarada Kashaya in the campus on 28th of July 2022. The rainy season makes one prone to a number of diseases the consumption of this Kashaya keeps one at bay from these illnesses.


The Ingredients used in making the Kashaya are Saptaparna, Maricha, Jeeraka, Shunti and Ajamoda. The Main Drug in the kashaya is Saptaparnawhich has a Rasa Panchaka containing Rasa – Tikta, Kashaya, Guna- Laghu, Snigdha, Virya- Ushna, Vipaka – Katu. Saptaparna has various properties such as it is Deepana, Sara, it relives pain, it cures Gulma, cures krimi (worm infestions), cures Kushta (skin diseases), heals wounds, helps piles, relives respiratory diseases, cures diabetes, helps in improving lactation and cures various types of VishamaJwara. At Kundapura Rural Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital the Kashaya was prepared and distributed to all staff and students to ward off seasonal illness and to boost the immunity as a whole.